I reached home after sending Iman to school.After settling myself, I heard a hard shower outside!! Ya Allah...hailstones! Inikah hujan batu?? Selalu dgr peribahasa ajer....
Let see what is Hailstones all about...
Hailstones is consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice , and also it is a type of snow
OIC...konon2 snow lar nih...adusss...tp sakit betul kena muka!! Let see some photo taken on hailstones in front of my house....
dekat gate...
dekat jalan...
Small transparent hail beads in front of my door.
Bak kata peribahasa Melayu...
"Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik hujan batu di negeri sendiri”.
It’s a Malay proverb, meaning that although there are many good things outside our own country, and less in the place where we live, it is still best to live in our own place. It might be similar to “There is no place like home”.
Alahai...rindunyer aku kat pancaran & sinaran matahari tanahairku....Malaysia!!!Ni yang rasa cam nak nyanyi lagu Negaraku....kihkihkih!
1 comment:
Nita..nak nyanyi lagu negaraku tu ajak akak sekali..kita nyanyi sama2 depan kedai speedy tu...hahahaha.. pastu kita bawak bendera Msia sekali.. mesti mat2 pakistan tu ingat org gila mana ler pulak sesat kat sini.. entah2 boleh jam jalan kat dpn tu.. hahahahaha....
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